GL-35DSR NAS Configuration
BitTorrent Service
Click to upload new Torrent
BitTorrent Service Settings
List and details of current
Torrent files
To start downloading files, download a torrent file from the internet and then upload it to the
network drive. Once the torrent file has been added, you can start downloading. The downloaded
files will be stored in the “BT” folder inside the Public directory.
The BitTorrent™ client can download 4 files at a time with a maximum of 40 files in the queue. The
download speed may not be as fast as a BitTorrent™ client on the computer but once the Torrent
has been added to the queue, it can download the files by itself and the computer can be turned off.
Make sure the port for the BitTorrent™ client is not blocked by your router or its firewall. If
necessary, set up port forwarding, so that the traffic for that port (e.g. 6881) is forwarded to your
network drive.
Sometimes it may happen, that you cannot add your selected Torrent files. In the case, please
rename the file and make sure you do not have any special character or space character inside.
(e.g. “driver_update_file.torrent” instead of “driver update file.torrent”)