Tel: (352) 680-1177 / Fax: (352) 680-1454 / Email: [email protected]
Serial Data Utilization
Any device that can accept serial data through a communications port can receive the data and store it
automatically as a text string that can ultimately be imported to a spreadsheet or database. The part
number for this Data Storage Device is 232FCDSD. The 1 GB Secure Digital Card part number is
372239, and the PC Flash Card Reader part number is 515177.
F&J has a field instrument that is uniquely designed to accept the serial communications from the
Digital Flowmeter as well as any other instrument that has a serial communications port. Please
request information and specifications on F&J’s Multi-Function Datalogger and Controller (P/N:
Actual Flow Feature
A purchaser may select to display actual flow rate and totalized actual volume or flow rate and volume
at one of four factory settable reference temperature and pressure conditions.
For F&J Standard Temperature and Pressure instrumentation, the options for reference T and P
are as follows:
Standard Temperature:
0ºC, 20ºC, 21.1ºC (70ºF) or 25ºC
Standard Pressure:
1 atmosphere (760 mm Hg)
F&J does not recommend the installation of the Actual Flow options for sampling
activities of more than 8 hours in duration or if sample volumes or resultant data are
to be compared between different plant locations throughout the state or country.
Re-calibration Frequency
The Digital Flowmeter calibration accuracy should be verified on a once per year frequency absent any
suspected or observed damage to the unit. A factory calibration is recommended at the time of known
or suspected damage to the unit.
Test Mode
The Digital Flowmeter has a test mode that provides the user with calibration data. The following
procedure allows entry into the test mode:
With the DFM off, press and hold the UNITS and RESET buttons while pressing the
On-Off button. All LEDs light and the program number appears.
When the program number appears, release the UNITS and RESET buttons.
Example: PR XXX. The following information appears in sequence:
Engineering Units. Example: E.U. SL
(Engineering Units – Standard Liters)
Venturi or Orifice used for factory calibration. Example: 812 or D812
Serial Number of the DFM, which should be the same as the serial
number on the air sampler. Example: SN.8062
Date calibrated. Example: 10.20.04
After the above information appears, the DFM displays random digits. This signifies
the end of the test mode.
You must turn off the DFM to exit text mode. Press the On-
Off button again to start in normal mode.