Fält Communications 2016 ©
162187 Manual Fältcom ECII® Flex V024D 2016-02-23
Page 17 of 41
Note: If the alarm input is connected to the lift controller or other external devices the connec-
tion must be separated using a relay connection, please view Appendix for relay connection
Setting of alarm input 1
Normally closed function is default. If the lift phone version with integrated alarm button is
used it is already connected to the lift phone alarm input. If the alarm button has normally
open function the lift phone must be programmed accordingly:
Set normally open alarm button:
From keypad:
From phone:
020 #
Reset to normally closed alarm button:
From keypad:
From phone:
# 020 #
Note: If alarm input 1 is filtered there is a 30 second override; meaning if the alarm button is
pushed more then 30 seconds an emergency alarm will be sent even though the filter signal
is active. This can also be used for accessing programming mode when using filtering.
Setting of alarm input 2
This input is of open/closed character and can be used for a filtering signal, technical alarm or
a normal emergency alarm. It is configured as follows:
X is either
0 = Normally Open
1 = Normally Closed
Y is either
0 = Emergency alarm
1 = Technical alarm
2 = Filtering signal
Alarm input 2 is deactivated by default, function is activated by:
From keypad:
< X >
< Y >
From phone:
< X >
< Y > #
Function is deactivated with:
From keypad:
From phone:
# 021 #
Example: When alarm input 2 is configured as a filtering signal it will affect the functionality of
alarm input 1 as follows: If alarm input 2 is configured as X = 0 => N/O and Y = 2 => Filtering
signal it will not be possible to initiate an alarm from alarm input 1 as long as a open signal is