e) Undo impeller retaining nut (LH thread) and remove impeller.
f) Undo fixings that secure motor to oven rear and withdraw.
g) Replace in reverse order.
2.1.7 To Remove Neon Indicators
a) Open control panel. Refer to Section 2.1.1.
b) Remove connections, noting their positions.
c) Remove securing nut and withdraw neon.
d) Replace in reverse order.
2.1.8 To Remove Cook Thermostat/fan Switch
a) Open main control panel.
b) Remove control knob.
c) Remove connections, noting their positions.
d) Undo fixings which secure thermostat to control panel.
e) Undo phial guard fixing to remove guard and retaining brackets.
f) Feed phial back through oven side hole.
g) Remove extension spindle and phial sleeving.
h) Replace in reverse order.
2.1.9 To Remove Timer
a) Open control panel. Refer to Section 2.1.1.
b) Remove connections, noting their positions.
c) Remove control knob.
d) Remove fixings which secure timer to control panel.
e) Replace in reverse order.
2.1.10 To Remove Power Input Cable
a) Remove rear panel. Refer to Section 2.1.2.
b) Slacken cable securing clamp.
c) Undo terminal block and earth post nut fixings.
d) Replace in reverse order. Replace plug and cable type as detailed in Section 1.3. Ensure
cable is fed through securing clamp and pulled tight before clamp is secured.
2.1.11 To Remove Buzzer
a) Open control panel, refer to Section 2.1.1.
b) Disconnect buzzer wiring noting wire positions.
c) Remove fixing which secures buzzer to bracket.
d) Replace in reverse order.
2.1.12 To Replace Door Seal
a) Unclip seal from front frame.
2.1.13 To Replace Door Catch
a) Drill out pop rivets which secure inner and outer door panels.
b) Drill out rivets which secure catch.
c) Replace in reverse order.
2.1.14 To Replace Door Stud