BOLERO-LT Hardware Description
Version 1.0.0
6.1.4 SIM card interface
The figure below shows the SIM card reader interface of the BOLERO-LT.
Figure 13:
View of the SIM card interface
The SIM interface controls small 1.8/3 V SIM cards. This interface is fully
compliant with GSM 11.11 recommendations concerning SIM functions.
The SIM should not be removed, while the unit is powered on. The SIM must
only be removed when the
is shut down. To remove the SIM
card, press the Eject button (see figure 6) then pull out the SIM card-holder.
6.1.5 Special pin description Serial communication signals (RxA, TxA )
The board supports one full duplex serial channel. All supported variable baud
rates can be controlled from internal software. You can directly communicate
with a PC serial port. It is recommended to use the BOLERO-LT Evalboard in
order to communicate with the terminal.
RS232 Level
Serial interface (RxA, TxA) operates at V24, ±12 V level. You do not need to
use any level shifter for this serial port. The signals on these pins are obtained
to RS232 compatible signal levels.
This is the main receiving channel and is used to
receive software commands to the board from any
terminal software (e.g. HyperTerminal) or from user
written software. Firmware package can be sent
through this line.
This is the main transmitting channel and is used to
output navigation and measurement data to any
terminal software (e.g. HyperTerminal) or user written
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