All operations described in this instruction manual must be carried out with the motor
switched off and the machine cable disconnected from the elctricity supply.
All setting and maintenance operations must be carried out by qualified expert personnel to elimi
nate any danger of injury of damage to the machine.
Protection systems have been provided by the manufacturer to protect the operator’s safety
during work operations.
It is absolutely forbidden to remove these protections while the machine is running.
It is extremely important that the operator take maximum care when using the machine
during all work operations. Since it is impossible to place a protection in the sewing area,
(needle-shuttle area) the operator is strongly advised to take great care to pay attention while
working, and to stop and rest if tired.
When the main motor is switched on, be very careful not to use the pedal for sewing speed,
by mistake.
For the same reason, protective glasses must be worn ;
indeed, the needle might break when stitching (projection of debris).
Before carrying out any kind of maintenance or setting operations on the machine, the
compressed air installation must be disconnected.
Pushing the mushroom-head emergency stop button or turning off the machine (main switch
on 0 position) or cutting out the air supply (with the sectioning tap), the
foot holder bar
positions itself to its bottom dead center (PMI) after about 1 seconds.
So it's necessary to pay close attention, when the operator makes the above-mentioned
operations, that nobody put any parts of his body (like hands or fingers) between the foot
holder bar and the horn of the machine, to avoid squashings or lacerations (since it's impossible
to protect this sewing area).
Whether the machine is placed on a pallet, or whether it is shipped in an open or closed wooden
crate, all handling and transport must be carried out in an adequate manner.
Take great care that nobody is present in the hoisting area, in order to avoid injuries to personnel
during the handling of the lifted load.
During transport, the horn must be left mounted on the machine.
Never transport the machine by pushing it on a trolley; if this is inevitable, when positioning the
machine, remember that one of the heaviest parts of the machine is in the sewing head, so
during handling, take great care not to tip the machine or make it move back and forward.
Be very careful not to touch the needle-shuttle area.
During all handling operations
remove the needle from its clamp and replace only when the
machine is ready for work.
It is adviseable to protect the user’s main electricity line from overloading , by providing safety
switches (magnetothermal switches).
Whenever any work has to be done on the electrical installation transformer, remember to
switch off the electrical installation, and to remove the machine cable from the electricity supply.
Interventions to electricity and transformers must be carried out by qualified personnel.
To avoid thread blocking during sewing operations, lubrify the thread guides and eyelets from
time to time.
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