to floor) your leg should be almost straight with your knee slightly bent. From this position you may not
be able to reach the floor, but by just moving back and forth off from the saddle you can easily do so
It is important to set up your saddle height in order to avoid unnatural movements of your legs, and
more specifically your knees if positioned too low. If the saddle is positioned too high, then your knees
can lock out causing pain and long term injury. In both instances, it is far more difficult to control your
e-bike, which puts you and others around you in danger.
To adjust the saddle height, please refer to page 44 of this manual.
On some EZEGO models the stem can be adjusted also to help find the most comfortable position
for you. If your bike is not equipped with an adjustable stem they may be available to purchase at
When setting your riding position, it is very important that you do not exceed the
“minimum insertion” mark on your seat post or stem (where applicable). You will
find warnings on these along with diagrams throughout the assenbly section of
the manual.