USB-MUXDIAG-II – User guide
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Datalogger function
Beyond a simple communication interface, the DLx-MUXDIAG-II proposes also an
“autonomous datalogger” function
It exists in 2 versions:
DLO, Data Logger Open, specific “open” box offering a direct access to the memory card. The
card can then be easily removed for data extraction using an external CF card reader or
simply for its replacement by a higher capacity memory.
DLC, Data Logger Close, specific “close” box preventing access the access to the memory
card or its exchange.
Memory card
The memory card which is delivered with your datalogger has a 4Gio capacity. This capacity
can be extended to 8, 16 or 32Gio.
Warning, it is strongly recommended to use exclusively memory cards validated by us.
We do not guarantee the data writing integrity on cards which have not previously being
delivered or approved by us.
« DLC » PC application
The DLx-MUXDIAG-II datalogger function requires the use of a specific PC application
allowing the creation of triggers and the configuration of the start and stop conditions, and
the recovery of logged data.
This PC application named « DLC » (Data Logger Control) is at your disposal on your
« Kit_CD_MUX » as well as on the downloading area of our website
A specific documentation is devoted to this application.