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Summit Family Switches Hardware Installation Guide
building codes, 138
electrical codes, 139
humidity, 140
temperature, 140
wiring closet, 139
EPS-150DC power supply
features, 113
installing, 265
specifications, 418
with Summit X250e-24tDC switch, 30
with Summit X450a-24tDC switch, 61
with Summit X450a-24xDC switch, 34, 65
with Summit X450a-48tDC switch, 37, 69
EPS-160 power supply
features, 107
installing, 251
specifications, 415
with EPS-T, 107
with Summit X450-24t switch, 55
with Summit X450-24x switch, 56
EPS-500 power supply
features, 109
installing, 257
specifications, 416
with Summit X350-24t switch, 44, 72
with Summit X350a-48t switch, 46, 73
with Summit X450a-48t switch, 67
with Summit X450e-24p switch, 76
EPS-600LS power supply
features, 110
installing, 260
specifications, 417
with Summit X250e-48p switch, 39
with Summit X450e-48p switch, 78
EPS-C chassis (with EPS-600LS), 260
EPS-LD power supply
features, 108
installing, 254
specifications, 414
with Summit X450a-24t switch, 60
with Summit X450a-24x switch, 63
with Summit X450e-24p switch, 76
EPS-T2 (with EPS-150DC), 113, 265
equipment rack
grounding, 141
mechanical recommendations, 141
mounting holes, 141
securing, 142
service access, 142
space requirements, 142
discharge from cable, 144
system protection, 141
Fan LED, Summit X450a series switches, 80
fan specifications
Summit X440 series, 364
Summit X460 series, 379
Summit X480 series, 391, 402
Summit X650 series, 397
fiber optic cable
bend radius, 145
connecting, 245
first switch login, 246
DC-powered switch, 188
racks, 141
requirements, 150
Summit X460 DC power supply, 203
Summit X480 DC power supply, 219
Summit X650 DC power supply, 236
wiring closet, 139
humidity, 140
industry standards, 150
initial switch login, 246
DC-powered switch, 187
port option cards, 272
stacking module, 277
Summit 450 W AC power supply, 215
Summit 450 W DC power supply, 217
Summit family switch, 184
Summit X460 300 W AC power supply, 196
Summit X460 750 W AC power supply, 198
Summit X460 DC power supply, 201
Summit X460 series switch, 192
Summit X480 AC power supply, 215
Summit X480 DC power supply, 217
Summit X480 series switch, 207
Summit X650 AC power supply, 231
Summit X650 DC power supply, 233
Summit X650 series switch, 224
SummitStack configuration, 151
VIM2 module, 275
IP settings, configuring, 246
labeling system for cables, 143
EPS-150DC power supply, 113
EPS-160 power supply, 107, 108
EPS-500 power supply, 109
stack number indicator, 90, 95, 100, 104
stacking port, 182
Summit X150 series switches, 27
Summit X250e series switches, 41
Summit X350 switches, 48