You can hot swap fan modules while the switch is operational.
5. Verify that the fan module is fully seated in the chassis. The spring latch should engage and
return to its original position.
6. Enter the following command to check the temperature sensors inside the switch.
show sys-info temperature
Check the status of the fan modules.
There are three fan modules in the VSP 7200 Series and each fan module has two fans for a
total of six fans. Each fan has its own ID and the
show sys-info fan
command reports its
The Fan IDs are assigned from left to right as you face the back of the chassis. For the first fan
module on the far left, the Fan IDs are 1 and 2, the next fan module has Fan IDs 3 and 4, and
the fan module on the far right has Fan IDs 5 and 6.
VSP-7254XSQ:1>show sys-info fan
Fan Info :
Description OperStatus OperSpeed AirflowDir
Tray 1 Fan 1 up mediumSpeed front-back
Tray 1 Fan 2 up mediumSpeed front-back
Tray 2 Fan 1 up mediumSpeed front-back
Tray 2 Fan 2 up mediumSpeed front-back
Tray 3 Fan 1 up mediumSpeed front-back
Tray 3 Fan 2 up mediumSpeed front-back
Check the internal temperature of the switch.
The output of this command is different between the VSP 7254XSQ and the VSP 7254XTQ. An
example of both is shown below.
VSP-7254XSQ:1>show sys-info temperature
Temperature Info :
CPU Temperature MAC Temperature MAC2 Temperature
25 34 29
VSP-7254XTQ:1>show sys-info temperature
Temperature Info :
CPU Temperature MAC Temperature PHY1 Temperature PHY2 Temperature
30 38 32 29
Installing the Virtual Services Platform 7200 Series
March 2020
Installing the VSP 7200 Series