A few tips to ensur e success
1. W e ar e ver y pleased with the level of cr aftsmanship displayed by the builder s in our factor y. T hr ough
hundr eds of gr ueling test flights containing maneuver s that no air craft should be subj ected to, our
pr ototypes have r emained r igid and completely air wor thy. H aving said that, it is impossible for us to
inspect ever y glue j oint in the air cr aft. T ak e a few minutes and apply some C A to high str ess ar eas
such as the ailer on servo mounting trays , landing gear mount, anti r otation pins, wing and stab r oot
r ibs, etc.
2. H aving sur vived the j our ney half way ar ound the wor ld while exper iencing sever al cli mate changes, it
is not uncommon for a few wr ink les to develop in the cover ing. F ear not! T hese ar e not manufactur ing
defects, and ar e easily r emoved with a little bit of heat. Use a sealing ir on to go over all seams, stripes
and shar p points in the cover ing scheme. Y ou may want to apply a dr op of clear fingernail polish at
the tip of all shar p points to pr event them fr om lifting. T o r emove wr ink les use a 100% cotton tee-
shir t or micr ofiber cloth and your heat gun and heat the covering while gently r ubbing the covering
onto the wood with the t-shir t or cloth. B e car eful not to use too much heat as the cover ing may shr ink
too much and begin to lift at the edges. T ak e your time, and a beautiful, paint lik e finish is attainable.
3. B y the time your air cr aft ar r ives at your door step it will have been handled by a lot of people.
O ccasionally ther e ar e small dings or imper fections on some of the sur faces. A n effective method to
r estor e these imper fections to or iginal condition is to use a ver y fine tipped hypoder mic needle to
inj ect a dr op of water under the cover ing mater ial and into the ding in the wood. A pply heat to the
ar ea with a sealing ir on and the imper fection will disappear . D eeper mar k s may r equir e that this
pr ocess be r epeated a couple of times to achieve the desir ed r esult, but you will be sur pr ised at how
well this technique work s.
4. D O NO T S K I M P O N S E R V O S ! Y our air cr aft is equipped with ver y lar ge contr ol sur faces that deflect
well over 45 degr ees. A lot of ser vo power is r equir ed to pr event flutter and to maintain the r equir ed
deflection for maneuver s. W e absolutely r ecommend the use of M E T A L G E A R E D servos with a
mini mum of 400 oz. inches of tor que.
5. Use a high quality epoxy for installing the composite control hor ns. W e highly r ecommend the use of
Pacer Z -Poxy 30 minute for mula. W e have used this glue for many year s with zero failur es.
6. Y ou may want to add a bead of R C -56 C anopy glue to the inter section of the canopy/hatch and its
wood fr ame for additional strength and r esistance to vibr ation. D O NO T US E C A her e as it will fog
the canopy.
7. Y our air craft is built using very moder n constr uction techniques and is ver y light weight for its size.
A s with any high per for mance machine, r egular inspection and maintenance is a must . W hile
disassembling your air cr aft after a flying session, pay close attention and inspect glue j oints, link ages
and loose covering to be sur e the air fr ame is sound. A few minutes spent doing this will help ensur e
air fr ame longevity.
8. B e sur e to put a dr op of blue L octite thr ead lock on ever y bolt on this air craft ! F ailur e to do so may
cost you your air craft! T his includes ser vo ar m screws!
9. T he basic assembly pr ocess of the E xtr a is ver y similar to that of our pr eviously r eleased 50cc and
100cc air cr aft. S ome of the photos in this manual may be tak en fr om a pr evious air craft r elease if we
deter mined that the assembly step was illustr ated mor e clear ly in these photos.
I f r epair s become necessar y the Ultr acote color s used ar e as follows:
W hite/R ed/B lack /C harcoal/S ilver color scheme: T r ue R ed-#H A NU866, W hite-# H A NU870, Pear l
C har coal-#H A NU846, S ilver -#H A NU881, B lack -#H A NU874
B r ight Y ellow/D eep B lue/S ilver /M idnight B lue/C ub Y ellow color scheme: C ub Y ellow-#H A NU884
M idnight B lue- # H A NU885, S ilver -#H A NU881, B r ight Y ellow-#H A NU872, D eep B lue-#H A NU873
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