36. I ncluded with your E dge ar e a set of S ide F or ce G ener ator s (S F G s) along with 2 clear spacer s to be
installed between the SF G s and wing tip to pr event them fr om inter fer ing with ailer on movement. T hey
ar e to be installed using the supplied white thumb scr ews thr eaded thr ough the holes in the S F G , thr ough
the clear spacer and into the pr e-installed blind nuts in the wing tip.
37. T he canopy is attached to the fuselage using the 2 spr ing loaded latches in the r ear of the canopy and
two of our new C ar bon L ock canopy latches in the middle of the canopy. A pply slight down pr essur e to
the canopy when engaging the C ar bon L ock canopy latches.
T his completes the assembly of the 85" E dge 540T . A s a final step clean the entir e air cr aft with glass
cleaner , apply your choice of gr aphics, then apply a coat of spr ay-on wax and buff the finish to a high
gloss with a micr o fiber cloth. M y favor ite pr oduct for this is E agle O ne W et W ax A S-U-D R Y , available
in the automotive section of most W al-M ar ts, K -mar ts, S ear s, T ar gets, etc. People often ask me at tr ade
shows how I get the planes to look so shiny, this is my method.
S et-up and tr imming
B esides basic assembly, this is the most impor tant par t of pr epar ing your air plane for flight. I t can also
be the most time consuming, but once your plane is pr oper ly dialed in you will agr ee it was time well
T he r ange for the center of gr avity begins at 6 inches fr om the leading edge of the wing measur ed at the
r oot and extends back .75"
O ne of the best ways to fine tune the C G for your air craft is the 45 degr ee line test. F ly the air cr aft in
fr ont of you fr om left to r ight (or r ight to left if you pr efer ) at full thr ottle. Pull the air cr aft into a 45
degr ee up line and establish this line. R oll the air cr aft inverted, neutr alize the elevator and pay close
attention to what the plane does. I deally the plane will continue on this line for several hundred feet
befor e it star ts to slowly level off. I f the air plane immediately dr ops the nose and dives towar d the gr ound
it is nose heavy. I f it begins to climb inverted towar d the gear it is tail heavy. T her e is no need to have the
E dge excessively tail heavy to per for m 3D maneuver s.
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