480836 V5.0 8/09
4-4-3 Alarm limit value (ALM)
The alarm limit value is used to monitor the display value and control the alarm
indication function. The alarm limit value can be edited in the displayed V/m unit; the
smallest value that can be set is 0.05V/m.
Alarm limit function can only be used for the total three axial measurement value.
4-4-4 Calibration Factor (CAL)
The calibration factor “CAL” corrects for variances in the frequency response of the
field sensor. When a known RF calibration source is not available for precise
calibration, a calibration factor of 1.00 is sufficient for most applications.
E-Field typically calibration data:
Frequency CAL
50MHz 3.16
100MHz 2.46
200MHz 2.01
300MHz 1.91
433MHz 0.55
500MHz 0.37
600MHz 2.41
700MHz 4.63
800MHz 4.21
900MHz 4.47
1GHz 2.80
1.2GHz 1.38
1.4GHz 3.26
1.6GHz 1.25
1.8GHz 1.87
2GHz 1.67
2.2GHz 1.95
2.45GHz 1.93