A Message from Explore Scientific
We wish to thank you for choosing a David H. Levy Comet Hunter 152mm f/4.8 Maksutov-Newtonian telescope! It is
quite literally a telescope that was born to share the sky; a portion of each sale goes to the National Sharing the Sky
Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Arizona, where David Levy and his staff support schools and the
general public around the world in their quest to learn more about science through hands on astronomy.
We hope that you use your Comet Hunter as often as possible and that you seriously consider getting involved in
public outreach in astronomy in your local community. If you don’t already know, astronomy outreach is a very
enriching and rewarding activity where your knowledge and your telescope help to give people of all walks of life a
deeper understanding of our place in the universe and greater insight into what all humans have in common.
It was Carl Sagan who said. “
Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic
Just looking up at a star-filled sky
humbles most of us, opens our minds, and just with a little astronomical background knowledge confronts us with a
profound truth that we are somehow interconnected with the cosmos. With your telescope you can share the
experience with friends and family, you’ll find that it will be a truly mind expanding experience for them and for
While sharing the eyepiece of your Comet Hunter to show others the belts of Jupiter, or the faint glow of a distant
galaxy is fun and interesting, exposing others to astronomy has many other direct benefits. The very act of
contemplating the vastness of the universe lets one experience a feeling of tranquility, and creates some space within
to put priorities into perspective. It can motivate young people to pursue careers in technology, medicine, engineering,
and mathematics. There are few things more gratifying than opening the minds of others, fostering a sense of wonder,
providing greater understanding, and setting them on a never ending journey of learning. Ultimately astronomy can
motivate people around the world to support bold programs of exploration and discovery.
Those who encourage others to join in on the adventure of exploring the sky and the universe are engaged in
astronomy education and public outreach, and we hope that you too become involved. You can start with a free
membership in the Explore Alliance and connect with one of the Alliance Partners. You can learn more by going online
to www.explorealliance.org.
Should you have any questions or suggestions for us, please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Service center at
(888) 599-7597. We will be happy to help you.
The Team at Explore Scientific