shows the square of the fi rst captured
piece, along with “1” or “2.” Press down
with this piece on its square and then
remove the piece. Remove each captured
piece from the board as the computer
indicates one by on, remembering to
press down on the square as each piece
is removed.
Your computer must also capture when
Your computer knows how to capture
your pieces, or course. If your computer
makes a capture, its from and to square
will fi rst be displayed as usual. After you
have pressed down with the appropriate
piece on these squares, the display shows
the captured square followed by a “1” or
“2.” The display clears when you press
down with the captured piece and then
remove it.
If your computer has made a multiple
capture, the computer will display the
next capturing move as soon as you
have completed making its fi rst jump.
After you have completed making all
the jumps for the capturing piece, the
LCD displays the coordinates for the
fi rst of your pieces the computer has
just captured, and shows either a “1”
or “2” on the right of the display. Press
the piece down and remove it from the
board. The display will then show the
square for the next captured piece to be
pressed down on and removed and so no.
Turn your Men into Kings!
At the start of the game, each of the 24
pieces is referred to as a man. When a
man reaches the far side of the board,
he is crowned king and becomes much
more powerful than an ordinary man
because a king can move both backward
and forward. Your computer is also
versed in the movement of kings. To
crown a man and make him king, press
the from and to square. The to square
is displayed, accompanied by a 2,
reminding you to crown the new king.
to complete the crowning, simply press
down on the to square again as you stack
the additional piece on top of the one
just moved. If the move was a capture,
the computer will next display the square
or squares of the captured man or men as
it usually does. Remember to press down
on the pieces as you remove them
Chapter 9: Troubleshooting
Remember that your computer knows
the rules of the checkers and chess,
including castling, en passant captures,
pawn promotion and stalemate.
It will never break any of these rules.
Sometimes it may seem that the
computer has made an incorrect move.
What may have happened is that you
inadvertently put one or more of the
chess pieces on the wrong square during
the game.
Whenever you need to, you can verify
the locations of all the pieces by using
the VERIFY key. (See 4.8, above.)
Here are some other problems that may
come up from time to time, and how to
solve them.
The display is blank
Check the batteries to see that they are