4.13 OPTION Key
The OPTION key controls the sounds
you hear while playing. Press OPTION
and then press the LEFT or RIGHT keys
to choose between “ALL SOUND,”
“SOME SOUND” (eliminates key-press
tones but permits all other sounds, such
as check, move alert and error tones) and
“NONE” (permits only error tones).
4.14 TRAIN Key
Master Chess offers chess-teaching
practice modes that will help you learn
the rules of movement and basic tactics
for each piece. See Chapter 6, “Chess
Training,” for details.
To begin a game with White on the
bottom and the computer making the fi rst
move, so that the square designations are
technically correct, press NEW GAME
and then the BLACK/WHITE key.
The BLACK/WHITE key is also used
to tell the computer whose move it is
during problem solving. (See below.)
Chapter 5: Setting Up Special
This is a terrifi c feature that allows
you to solve problems that you see in
magazines or newspapers, or that you
make up yourself. If also allows you to
enter game positions you want to play,
or that you want Master Chess to look at,
perhaps using the infi nite search level.
You can even change the color of a piece
in the middle of a game, remove or
add a piece, or move a piece to another
square. Obviously, this feature lets you
strengthen your side or the computerʼs,
resurrect lost pieces, or even more your
King out of an imminent checkmate
You can do this in checkers and chess.
Clearing the board to set up a position
To set up a special problem, it is
normally easier to start from an empty
board. So fi rst, clear the board by
pressing NEW GAME, SER UP and
OPTION. The display will read “NO
Setting up a position in chess
Place the desired pieces on the board by
pressing the PIECE SYMBOL key and
the square to be occupied--press once for
White, twice for Black.
After setting up the pieces, tell the
computer whose move it is by pressing
the BLACK/WHITE key. The word
“SIDE” will appear on the display. Press
the key repeatedly until the black or
white indicator box in your display is the
color you wish to have move fi rst.
Keep this procedure and sequence
in mind, and the SET UP pro-
cedure will be easy to use:
you press SET UP and the piece-
symbol key you select by pushing
the square the piece stands on, you
can change its color or remove
it. If the piece is White, one push
changes it to Black, a second push
removes it. If the piece is Black,
one push removes it, a second push
reinstates it as White.