Commercial in Confidence
Copyright © 2021, all rights reserved by Exacom, Inc.
This section defines how channel objects are constructed. Every channel has the
following properties:
All four channels must be defined. If less than four channels are defined the capture
process will crash and no recording will happen, but one may still access the unit with SSH to
fix the configuration.
If a Channel is not to be used, a new Trigger named “NeverRecord” has
been added to the Triggers section.
Set the unused Channel Trigger = “NeverRecord" and it
will not record. A Sink must still be provided because the Channel will not be added if it
doesn’t have a sink, but any Sink may be used because it will never record. Additionally, do
not set Enabled to false for any Channel.
Channel -
Def ines which number this Channel should appear in the system to provide the f lexibility to re-
map physical channels in sof tware. This f ield accepts a whole number without quotations.
This is a
required field.
Source -
Def ines where a Channel object should obtain its audio source f rom. Current options are
Port1 through Port4 and must be wrapped with quotations.
This is a required field.
Trigger -
This sub-group def ines which Trigger objects, as def ined in triggers section above, are applied
to a channel object. In practice, it is best to avoid using two trigger types simultaneously in the event one
may supersede the other. The entire set of Trigger entries must be enclosed in square brackets, with
individual Triggers wrapped in quotations and separated by commas.
This is a required field.
Sink -
This sub-group def ines where the inbound audio stream is routed. VoxTriggers must be listed
under a channel object’s sink group to analyze the correct audio stream. In addition, any sinks that are
to be used f or a Channel must be listed here. The entire set of Sink entries must be enclosed in square
brackets, with individual Sinks wrapped in quotations and separated by commas.
This is a required
Optional Parameters for Channel
– if omitted, Channel will use default values.
Gain - (default 0)
Specif y an entry between 0.0 and 59.5 in 0.5 db steps, as numerical values with one
decimal place and are not wrapped in quotes.
AgcTarget - (default 0)
The level which Automatic Gain Control (AGC) is attempting to regulate the
inbound audio stream to. Valid inputs are 0, or between -5.5 to 24.0 in 0.5 db steps. When the supplied
value is 0, AGC is disabled. Entries should be specif ied as a negative number with one decimal point
and are not wrapped in quotes
MaxAgc - (default 12.0)
This restricts the maximum amount of gain AGC can apply to a source whe n
AGC is enabled. A def ault value of 12.0db is specif ied but valid entries are between 0.0 and 59.5 in 0.5
steps. Entries are specif ied as numerical values with one decimal place and are not wrapped in quotes.
AgcCutoff - (default -40 db)
This is a cutof f level f or when Gain should stop being applied by the
AGC. Valid input is between -30.0 to -90.0 in 1.0 steps. Entries should be specif ied as a negative
number with one decimal place and are not wrapped in quotes.
FilterMode - (default 3)
With Filter Mode greater than 0, a High Pass f ilter is applied ef f ectively blocking
f requencies lower than the cut-of f point.
The cut-of f frequencies f or the various modes are def ined as f ollows: