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Port - (default 8990)
The port used by the client-server connection and should be specif ied as a valid
port without quotations.
Entries below are all default values that typically will not be present in a configuration file. Only
include them if they are needed:
Interface -
(default “eth0”)
The networking interf ace to use to connect to the server. For wired
the default of “eth0” is the correct one. For wireless networking, change this to “wlan0”,
which is the most likely wireless interf ace. If in doubt, the command
ifconfig -a
will show all interf aces,
and all wireless interfaces should be in the format “wlanN”, where N is a number.
RetryTime - (default 20000)
This is the number of milliseconds to wait bef ore a set of <RetryCount>
connection attempt is made to contact the Streaming Server. Larger values limit the resources required
when the Streaming Server is unavailable, smaller value detect changes quicker.
RetryCount - (default 5)
When a Streamer Server does not reply, the Ears will retry the connection this
many times bef ore waiting <RetryTime>, then it will repeat. Reduce this number to reduce resource usage
when the Streaming server is not available.
ReplyTimeout - (default 500)
The number of milliseconds to wait f or data bef ore a connection reports
f ailure. Each <RetryCount> tries will wait this long f or a reply f rom the Streaming Server. This employs a
low resource wait, so its value only af f ects how long it takes to perf orm the connection sequence.
NotifyLimit - (default 10)
Some messages appear with great f requency, such as internal connection
state reporting. Those messages will only appear once every <Notif yLimit> messages while the data
remain unchanged, to reduce log f looding.
HeartbeatTime - (default 10000)
The number of milliseconds between heartbeat / keepalive connections
so the Streaming Server knows this Ears unit is still active. It should not be greater than the 10 second
def ault or the Streaming Server may think the unit is inactive.
PollTime - (default 200)
Connection state is updated on this interval. Reducing this value will make
connection status known f aster at the expense of increased resource usage. Decreasing it will f ree
system resources, primarily CPU time.
Server: {
TestRack {
Address = "";
// Minimum necessary for server
For Streaming to work properly, it must
be def ined as a sink. To def ine a Stream Sink, a Stream
Header and a Stream Server must be supplied as input
parameters. Typically, there will be one Stream Sink per
desired channel of streaming audio. First def ine a Header
as shown in the header section of this guide and create a
Streaming Server as shown in this section.
Next def ine a Sink as shown in the Sinks section of this
guide. Once the sink is created, add it to the list of Sinks
in the Channel object f or the corresponding channel.
Do not leave a Streaming Server entry in the configuration file if it is not being used. This