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Electrostatic Charge
Electrostatic charge phenomena may occur in the human body which is not connected
tacts specified material. These values are compliant with IEC
801-2 specifications.
to surrounding electrical level.
The following data shows the maximum electrostatic voltage which may be generated
when human body con
Electrostatic voltage on the body of operating personnel
r body, work area and
n prevent electrostatic charge.
Basic protective measures to prevent ESD:
Ensure excellent equipotential connection:
When holding the ESD-sensitive device, please make sure you
package are grounded. This ca
Avoid direct contact:
Usually, people only contact ESD-sensitive device in unavoidable circumstances (f
example, for repair). When holding the module, do not touch any chip pin or PCB
circuit. In this way, the dissipated electricity will not affect the ESD-sensitive device
Before handling the module, dissipate the electrostatic charges on your body. The