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Parameter: time——Watchdog time, within 1-255;
count_mode——0: counting unit second, 1: counting unit minute
Returned value:
BPI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER --- Function execution failed;
BPI_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL --- Function execution successful
(2). WDT_Feed(UINT8 time)
Function description: Feed Watchdog;
Parameter: time——Watchdog time, within 1-255;
Returned value: None
(3). WDT_Stop()
Function description: Disable Watchdog
Parameter: None;
Returned value: None
(4). Get_WDT_Current_Timeout_Value()
Function description: Acquire current Watchdog timeout value;
Parameter: None;
Returned value:
timeout --- Timeout time
The above is the Watchdog operation port function. Call WDT_Start, to configure
Watchdog and start Watchdog; Call WDT_Feed to feed the Watchdog; Call
WDT_Stop to stop the Watchdog; Call Get_WDT_Current_Timeout_Value, to acquire
the Watchdog timeout value at the moment.
During the operation, users can call our library file DLL or static file LIB,
corresponding Macro and commands. Users only have to include our header file.