at too low revelations, change to a lower gear. If you pedal very fast with less
effort, choose a high gear or reduce the assistance level.
When you intend to stop it is good practise to change the
gears back to the 1
gear so you may start off without any
problems. This can easily be done while braking and slowly
pedalling as the motor will not push you further.
We recommend always to use both brakes at the same time – this allows the
rider to take best control over the braking process without stressing the front or
rear brake. To brake efficiently, your front brake is there to stop you and the
back brake is there to shave off speed. Roughly 70-80% of your stopping
power comes from the front brake. Leaving 20-30% for the back brake.
As soon as one of the brakes gets engaged the motor support will stop.
When using Pedal Assist Mode: to go around narrow corners
by just using the riders pedalling power pull one of the brake
levers only slightly without actually engaging the brake. This
will stop motor support.
E-Bike needs regular maintenance as any other normal push bike.
All bike shops can help you with these maintenance steps.
There is no maintenance necessary on the electrical components.
This bike uses hydraulic brakes which are self-
adjusting. If you feel that the brake force gets
lower or the way you have to press the brake
levers exceed 50% of X (Fig 1) most likely the
brake pads have to be replaced. Please see your
local bike shop.
For further adjustments and maintenance please
refer to the Tektro Maintenance Manual.
Fig 1