Before starting to ride
Adjust Seat height
Open the quick release lever at the seat clamp, adjust seat height and close the
lever firmly. If the lever is too loose, open the lever again and turn the
adjusting nut clockwise till you feel resistance. Now close lever again. It should
close with noticeable resistance.
Never tighten the seat post if the maximum mark is visible,
otherwise you can injure yourself or damage the seat post.
How to find the correct saddle height?
1. Sit on bike saddle
2. Try to reach pedal with your heel when it is in
the bottom position. Your knee should be more
or less fully straightened out
3. Place the ball of your foot on the centre of the
pedal. If your knee is now slightly bend, the
saddle height is correct
Adjusting the saddle angle
Best riding comfort is found when the saddle is horizontal, some riders prefer a
slight forward angled seat.
Never angle a seat backwards as it
can quickly lead to back pain or
physical injuries
1. Loosen the clamping nut on one side anti-
2. Tilt the saddle to the required angle
3. Tighten the clamping nut clockwise. Make sure
that the nut it tightened firmly (20 NM)