[Meggy Jr RGB]
STEP 11: Socketing the LED Matrix Display
: LED display and its sockets
The 8x8 LED matrix display sits in a set of socket strips on the
circuit board at location U4.
It has
of pins, so it can (potentially) be difficult to insert
into a socket. To make it much easier, we’ll instead
add the
sockets to the display
and do so in small segments.
: 8x8 RGB
LED Matrix Display
: 10-pin
“SIP” socket strips
(4 pieces)
. Start with the LED matrix display upside
down. To avoid scratching the black paint
on the front, set it on a clean soft surface like
a piece of paper.
This page will do nicely
. With (a bit of wiggle and) firm even pressure,
slide one of the four socket strips onto the LED
display pins as shown.
The 10-pin socket strip goes over 8 pins of the
display, leaving two pins hanging off the edge. Also,
it should as far down onto the pins as shown-- it
sit near the top of the pins.
If the LED display pins are initially bent a bit away
from vertical, you may need to
adjust to them
to help the socket strip fit on neatly.
. Use small pliers to gently break off
the two extra pins hanging off the edge.
. Add the other three socket strips to the LED display the same way.
This completes the socket assembly; next, we’ll add it to the board!