2430GDAC GLink D to A Converter
2430GDAC - 4
2.5.1. Safety
Never look directly into an optical fiber. Non-reversible damage to the eye can occur
in a matter of milliseconds.
The laser modules used in the Evertz 3000MVP modules are Class I, with a maximum output power of
7mW, and a wavelength of 1270 to 1610nm.
2.5.2. Handling and Connecting Fibers
Never touch the end face of an optical fiber.
The transmission characteristics of the fiber are dependent on the shape of the optical core and therefore
care must be taken to prevent fiber damage due to heavy objects or abrupt fiber bending. Evertz
recommends that you maintain a minimum bending radius of 3 cm to avoid fiber-bending loss that will
decrease the maximum attainable distance of the fiber cable.
Fiber interconnections must be made securely. The Evertz fiber optical transmitters and receivers come
with SC interconnection housings built into the module. With this style of connector, the fiber assembly
and the housing assembly can only be connected in one way and with very good repeatability. The fiber
interconnect panel that is provided with each product can be ordered with optional SC/PC, ST/PC or
FC/PC connectors. The customer is required to provide the optical fiber with the correct connectors to
connect the modules together. SC/PC, ST/PC and FC/PC interconnection housing and connectors as well
as adapters are industry standards with many available sources.
2.5.3. Making Sure the Optical Fibers are Clean
Dust particles on the ends of the optical fiber greatly increase the signal loss at interconnections, and
large dust particles can even obscure light transmission altogether. To minimize the effects of dust
contamination at the interconnections, the fiber should be cleaned each time it is mated or unmated. When
using interconnection housings to mate two optical fibers it is good practice to remove dust particles from
the housing assembly with a blast of dry air or by wiping the end of the fiber connector with the pre-
moistened tissue you received with the optical module before mating it to the module. Whenever a fiber is
unmated it must be covered immediately. Most fiber manufacturers provide a plastic boot that fits over the
ferrule body for this purpose.