ECOR HD 4F / 8F / 16F
100 EverFocus DDNS
Note that the
DNS Server 1
6.7.1 LAN
) should be set up correctly or the DDNS will not work.
DDNS Service:
from the drop-down list.
DVR Name:
Input the desired name for the DVR, and you can enter up to 32 letters. If the
length of the name exceeds the text field size on the OSD, you can move your cursor onto the
text field to display the entire name on the OSD.
Note that the name of the DVR cannot include a space, or a dot (period) or any special
characters particularly ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + < > " ; : . ,
1. It is not necessary to append the HTTP port number to the DDNS name. The EverFocus
DDNS server not only keeps track of your DVR’s IP address, but also keeps track of the
2. You can go to to check the DDNS name can be
registered or not.