Audio product manual
Desk Filter
3 kHz in 0.5 dB steps. High frequencies are affected depending on the
distance from the sound source to the listening position. The further you
are from the loudspeakers, the weaker the high frequencies. In such cases
the filter should be set to boost them. In desktop applications, distances
can be as short as 1 m (3 ft), which results in the high frequencies being
boosted. To compensate for this effect you should use the High-Shelf Filter
to attenuate the high frequencies.
If you have a very dead room, it might be wise to boost the high frequencies
in order to have a more balanced overall sound. When the listening position
is too close to the loudspeakers or the room has reflective surfaces, it is
reasonable to attenuate the high frequencies.
Desk Filter
The Desk Filter has two functions. When turned down it acts as a narrow-
band EQ set to 160 Hz (SC3010 and SC3012).
The reflections of mixers and similar surfaces usually result in the boosting
of low mids. With the Desk Filter you can lessen this effect by turning down
the filter gain.
When turned up, the Desk Filter also works as an EQ but this time set to
80 Hz. This allows you to give more punch to the lower frequencies.
The following applies to the Low, High and Desk filters:
• Every step represents a 0.5 dB increment.
• Maximal boost is +3 dB and maximal attenuation is –5 dB.
• Refer to “4. POSITIONING” on page 16 to set the filters of your EVE Audio
monitors effectively.