c-pro 3 giga | Hardware manual ver. 3.0 | Code 144CP3GI304
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Initial informazion
Some controllers have 2 built-in drivers for unipolar stepper-type expansion valves.
The control technique automatically provides for non-contemporaneity of operations, to reduce current absorption as much as possible.
You need to know the desired step rate and driving mode. The driving modes managed are the following:
full step 2phOn
full step 1phOn
half step.
At start-up, the application developed with the UNI-PRO 3 development environment must keep the software enabling at a low value, to allow a first data exchange
that correctly sets the valve data. Subsequently, the application must enable the valve and pilot a resynchronization. Only at this point is the valve ready to operate
according to the desired adjustment.
To protect the valve mechanics, it is necessary to distinguish two types of resynchronization, which differ in the number of extra-steps to be carried out.
At the start-up the valve is in an undefined state even if the current position is 0. It is necessary to carry out an adequate closing of steps, greater than the maximum
number of steps declared.
The cyclic resynchronization, necessary to correct any loss of steps, must be controlled by setting a number of extra-steps equal to 10% of the maximum number of