To install the Powerline Encryption Utility, follow these steps:
Insert the Powerline HomePlug Ethernet Adapter Resource CD into a CD drive on the
computer that is connected to your router. The CD starts automatically.
If the CD does not start automatically:
Go to My Computer on the Windows Start menu, and double-click the drive that
contains the 200Mbps Powerline HomePlug Ethernet Adapter Resource CD or
Select the CD drive and click on the Autorun.exe executable file.
All devices on a Powerline network can be managed from one computer. If you add another
200Mbps Powerline HomePlug Ethernet Adapter device to an existing Powerline network,
you can install the Powerline encryption utility on the computer connected locally to the new
Powerline HomePlug Ethernet Adapter device or on the computer originally used to set up the
Powerline network password. You can use any computer to manage the network, but this
procedure assumes that you are working from the computer that is connected to your router.
Click Install Software, and select the language you used.
Click OK and the Welcome screen shows.