must not conflict with another user code for that suite.
(v) The panel will now display "ENTER USER NO. X " where X is the next user number for
that suite. The procedure (ii) - (iv) may be repeated or press the <QUIT> key to exit the option.
7.2 System Set-up:
Pressing the <NEXT> key or the <PREV> keys moves forwards or backwards respectively
through the 2 options available, and the <ENTER> key or the <YES> key selects the option. The
<QUIT> key exits the routine.
7.2.1 Set Zones:
This routine starts with the prompt "ENTER SUITE NO. 1 "
Selection of suite number follows the same procedure as that of USER-SET-UP for the
Concierge Panel and once this is complete a message of the following form is displayed:
<zone no.> "TYPE IS ..." <zone type> .
Pressing the <CHANGE> key allows the zone description (e.g. "HALL DOOR") to be
changed in the edit mode described in 7.1. Pressing the <NO> key displays the next zone type
and pressing the <YES> key displays the previous zone type. Pressing the <NEXT> key selects
the next zone number and pressing the <PREV> key selects the previous zone number.
Press the <QUIT> key to exit the option.
7.2.2 Set Variables:
The user is prompted with the variable and it's default value. The new value should be entered.
To select the next variable the <NEXT> key should be pressed. Press the <QUIT> key to exit the
7.3 Serial Set-up
The <NEXT> key or the <PREV> key moves through the serial channels available and the
<ENTER> key or the <YES> key selects the currently displayed channel, whose parameters may
then be changed. 7.3.1 Baud Rate This displays the current value of the selected channel baud
rate. Pressing the <YES> key or the <ENTER> key selects this displayed value and goes on to
display the next seial parameter that may be changed. Pressing the <NO> key or the <NEXT>
key will display the next legal value of the baud rate which may then be selected.
Pressing the <PREV> key will display the previous legal baud rate value which may then be
selected. Pressing the <QUIT> key will exit the serial parameter selection, and stores the baud
rate currently displayed.
The available selections are: 150,300,1200,2400,4800.
7.3.2.Data Bits
This displays the current value of the selected channel data bit selection.
Pressing the <YES>,<ENTER>,<NO>,<NEXT>,<PREV>, or <QUIT> key
has the effect described in 7.3.1.
The available selections are: 7 data bits, 8 data bits.