Cleaner Accessories
Cleaner Accessories
Multipurpose Portable Steam Cleaner
The Hybrid Floor Steamer is a 2 in 1 model
that converts into a multipurpose portable
steam cleaner with just one click. The
portable steam cleaner features include:
1. Lightweight and portable unit.
2. Ergonomic steam handle for easy of use.
3. Versatile and quick change accessories.
4. On/off control.
5. Security locking button.
6. Cleans many areas such as bathrooms,
kitchens, pet areas and more.
Accessories - Attachment & Descriptions
A. Always use the Parking Pad
B. Attach Handle to Steamer
To use: Hold down the locking button on the
Steam handle while sliding it in an Extension
Tube. Be sure the locking button lines up with
the hole on the Extension Tube and button
locks in place.
To attach Extension Tubes together: Press
down the locking button while sliding Tubes
together. Be sure button and hole line up
and button locks in place.
To disconnect Extension Tubes: Press the
locking button and pull the two sections