The Hydronic vitalizer is a tube made of stainless steel (inox used in pharmaceutical and
food industry) covered with informed glass, informed quartz sand, informed water and
some other carriers of information, which are inserted in a larger tube made from the
same material. The vitaliser, like the informed glass, does not need to contain energy or
any other substances. Glasses and vitalisers are manufactured according to the original
Hydronic technology, which is based exclusively on information. The information is
captured by means of special devices and embedded in the glass and other auxiliary
carriers and harmonisers of information. According to the original Hydronic technology it
is important for the buyer of this technology to have the opportunity of selecting the kind
of information embedded in the medium, in this case the glass. carriers and harmonisers
of information. According to the original Hydronic technology it is important for the buyer
of this technology to have the opportunity of selecting the kind of information embedded
in the medium, in this case the glass is used for water to drink in large quantity.
It tastes better; it looks better, more clear and transparent; if we drink this water our
body uses less energy for adapting the water according to its needs; it can therefore use
more of its energy for self-healing and for the regulation of other life processes; used
externally, this water has a beneficial influence on the person’s mood and skin, vegetables
watered with vitalized water grow stronger and maintain a fresh appearance for a longer
time; vegetables and fruit washed in vitalized water rapidly regain their freshness;
vitalized water can improve the microbiological conditions of water and other aqueous
solutions with which it comes into contact; Informed water can help preventing diseases;
in farming it helps achieving better yields of farm products without exerting force on
nature with artificial compounds; in industry it makes possible a better preparation of
water with less chemical substances and energy;
Pi Water energizer:
Pi water is water which is extremely similar to water in living body and it is induced from
very small quantity of iron (ferric/ furious) ions in their excited state.
Promotion for adaptability
Enhance the larger scope of application for temperature and light.
Purification of environment
Improve the quality of bad water and soil
Normal growth
Improvement of living body functions
Improve various body functions
This system employs multiple unique layers of filtration combined with magnetism. It is
filtration includes coral reef, coral sand, natural active calcium, BCS ceramic and power
full magnet. The cluster chains of the H2O are also reducing. It NMR from 128 Hz to
reduce it become 53 Hz.
Cartridge of for pi water is divided in three parts in first part is of coral reef, second is of
coral sand, third is of bio ceramic which have highly magnetic charge. The passage of
flowing water through coral sand and reef and from ceramic balls energizes it.
Eureka Forbes Water Purification System