Operating Instructions
Safety Switch NZ.VZ…AS
Correct use
Safety switches series NZ.VZ…AS are operated
as a slave on the safety bus AS-Interface Safety at
Work and function as interlocking devices without
guard locking (separate actuator). The actuator has
a low coding level. In combination with a movable
safety guard and the machine control, this safety
component prevents dangerous machine functions
from occurring while the safety guard is open. A stop
command is triggered if the safety guard is opened
during the dangerous machine function.
This means:
Starting commands that cause a dangerous ma-
chine function must become active only when the
safety guard is closed.
Opening the safety guard triggers a stop com-
Closing a safety guard must not cause automatic
starting of a dangerous machine function. A
separate start command must be issued. For
exceptions, refer to EN ISO 12100 or relevant
Before the device is used, a risk assessment must
be performed on the machine, e.g. in accordance
with the following standards:
EN ISO 13849-1, Safety of machinery – Safety-re-
lated parts of control systems – Part 1: General
principles for design
EN ISO 12100, Safety of machinery – General
principles for design – Risk assessment and risk
IEC 62061, Safety of machinery – Functional
safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and
programmable electronic control systems.
Correct use includes observing the relevant require-
ments for installation and operation, particularly
based on the following standards:
EN ISO 13849-1, Safety of machinery – Safety-re-
lated parts of control systems – Part 1: General
principles for design
EN ISO 14119 (supersedes EN 1088), Safety of
machinery – Interlocking devices associated with
guards – Principles for design and selection
EN 60204-1, Safety of machinery – Electrical
equipment of machines.
The user is responsible for the proper integration
of the device into a safe overall system. For this
purpose, the overall system must be validated,
e.g. in accordance with EN ISO 13849-2.
If the simplified method according to section 6.3
of EN ISO 13849-1:2008 is used for determining
the Performance Level (PL), the PL might be re-
duced if several devices are connected in series.
Logical series connection of safe contacts is
possible up to PL d in certain circumstances.
More information about this is available in
ISO TR 24119.
If a product data sheet is included with the prod-
uct, the information on the data sheet applies
in case of discrepancies with the operating
Safety precautions
Danger to life due to improper installation or due
to bypassing (tampering). Safety components
perform a personal protection function.
Safety components must not be bypassed,
turned away, removed or otherwise rendered
ineffective. On this topic pay attention in partic-
ular to the measures for reducing the possibility
of bypassing according to EN ISO 14119:2013,
section 7.
The switching operation must be triggered only
by actuators designated for this purpose.
Prevent bypassing by means of replacement
actuators. For this purpose, restrict access to
actuators and to keys for releases, for example.
Mounting, electrical connection and setup only
by authorized personnel possessing special
knowledge about handling safety components.
The safety switch monitors the position of movable
safety guards. The switching contacts are actuated
on the insertion/removal of the actuator.
When the safety guard is closed, each NZ.VZ...
AS transmits a switch-specific, unique safety code
sequence with 8 x 4 bits via the AS-Interface bus.
This code sequence is evaluated by an AS-Interface
safety monitor.
The first positively driven NC contact is represented
by the AS-Interface input bits D0 and D1, while the
second positively driven NC contact is represented
by D2 and D3.
The safety switch must be correspondingly config-
ured in the AS-Interface safety monitor (refer to the
operating instructions of the AS-Interface safety
monitor used and the status table).
Selection of the actuator
Damage to the device due to unsuitable actuator.
Make sure to select the correct actuator.
Additionally pay attention to the door radius and
the fastening options (see Figure 4).
Device damage due to improper mounting and
unsuitable ambient conditions
Safety switches and actuators must not be used
as an end stop.
Observe EN ISO 14119:2013, sections 5.2 and
5.3, for information about fastening the safety
switch and the actuator.
Observe EN ISO 14119:2013, section 7, for
information about reducing the possibilities for
bypassing an interlocking device.
Protect the switch head against damage, as well
as penetrating foreign objects such as swarf,
sand and blasting shot, etc.
Changing the actuating direction
E (A)
Approach direction in the default setting on delivery
Actuating head
Figure 1: Changing the actuating direction
1. Remove the screws from the actuating head.
2. Set the required direction.
3. Tighten the screws with a torque of 1.2 Nm.
Electrical connection
The safety switch is connected to the bus system
with a 4-pole connecting cable with M12 plug con-
nector via a passive AS-Interface distribution box
with a yellow and black AS-Interface cable.
1 AS-Int
2 Auxiliary voltage 0 V
3 AS-Interface -
4 Auxiliary voltage 24 V
View of safety switch
plug connector
Figure 2: Terminal assignment M12 plug connector
The following information applies to devices
with plug connector:
Check that the plug connector is sealed.
Setting the AS‑Interface address
The address can be set prior to or after assembly.
The AS-Interface address of the safety switch is
set using an AS-Interface programming device.
Addresses 1 to 31 are valid.
The unit is programmed by connecting the program-
ming device to the M12 plug connector on the safety
switch with an AS-Interface programming device.
Address 0 is the default setting on delivery (the
AS-Interface LED Fault is lit during operation!).
Configuration in the AS‑Interface safety
(see operating instructions for the AS-Interface
safety monitor and status table)
The safety switch is configured in the AS-Interface
safety monitor with the AS-Interface address set as
follows, for example:
Dual-channel dependent
Synchronization time: typ. 3 s
It may be necessary to set the synchronization time
to higher values. This depends on the application
and the approach speed of the actuator.
With start-up test (corresponding to risk analysis)
In this operating mode, the safety guard must be
opened each time prior to restarting in order to
perform the start-up test.
LED indicators
The AS-Interface bus status is indicated by two LEDs
(Power, Fault).