Exhaust Venting Installation
This water heater must be properly vented for removal
of exhaust gases to the outside atmosphere. Correct
installation of the vent pipe system is mandatory for
the safe and efficient operation of this water heater and
is an important factor in the life of the unit.
Vent pipe installation must be performed in accordance
with state and local codes, or in the absence of such,
the latest edition of National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/
ANSI 223.1. Canadian installations must be performed
in accordance with CAN/CGA-B149.
Eternal Hybrid Water Heater is a gas burning appliance
with fan-assisted exhaust. The appliance must be vented
with 4" Category III special venting, which is air tight to
prevent leakage of exhaust gases.
The appliance must be vented separaely from all other
appliances. The following type of non-metallic vent can
be used:
PVC (schedule 40, ASTM-D1785)
CPVC (schedule 40, ASTM-D2846)
ABS (schedule 40, ASTM-D2661)
All primers, cleaners and cements must meet all local
codes and applicable standards of the American Society
for Testing Materials.
Before using primers, cleaners and cements, stir or
shake, making sure contents are liquid. Do not use if
found to be lumpy or jelly-like.
This water heater has been design certified by CSA In-
ternational for use with the specified listed plastic vent
Cut pipe ends squarely removing all burrs and dirt.
Dry fit pipe and fittings to be connected for proper fit.
Clean pipe and fitting with a primer/cleaner.
Apply a thin coat of cement to fitting, avoiding pud-
ding inside.
Apply a liberal coat of cement to pipe leaving no voids.
Quickly assemble parts while cement is fluid.
Push pipe completely into socket of fitting, turning
as it goes until it bottoms.
Hold pipe and fitting together for 30 seconds. Then
carefully clean off excess with a cloth. Allow connec-
tions sufficient time to cure before disturbing.
Remember that vent pipes must be adequately and
securely supported.
The 4" PVC, ABS or CPVC Schedule 40 vent pipe can
be run from the water heater through the wall or from the
wall to the water heater, whichever is most convenient.
The vent pipe must extend a minimum of 1.5" through
the exterior wall. Note that inside collars must be slipped
over the vent piping before locating the pipe through the
Before securing the inside and outside collars to the
wall, use a silicone sealer between pipe and opening to
ensure water and air tight seal.
To prevent condensate from collecting in the venting sys-
tem slope the vent at a downward pitch of 1/4" per 12 ft.
with condensate trap.
For installations in Canada,field supplied plastic vent
piping must comply with CAN/CGA B149 1(latest
edition)and be certified to the Standard For Type
BH Gas Venting Systems,ULC S636 Components
of this listed system shall not be interchanged with
other vent systems or unlisted pipe/fittings. All plastic
components and specified primers and glues of the
certified vent system must be from a single system
manufacturer and not intermixed with other system
manfacturer's vent system parts.
The supplied vent connector and vent termination
are certified as part of the water heater.
Sealant (silicon based) is recommended with metallic
venting to ensure proper seal.
The following guidelines should be followed when in-
stalling the exhaust outlet piping:
The exhaust outlet piping and termination may be in-
stalled in one of the following terminations:
1. Standard Horizontal (see page 23)
2. Vertical (see page 23)
All pipe, fitting, pipe cement, primers and procedure
must conform to American National Standard Institute
and American Society for Testing and Materials (ANSI/
ASTM) standards in the United States.
Venting should be as direct as possible with a mini-
mum number of pipe fittings.
Venting diameter must not be reduced unless spe-
cially noted in the installation instructions.
Support all horizontal pipe runs every four feet ac-
cording to local codes.
Vents run through unconditioned spaces where be-
low freezing temperatures are expected should be
properly insulated to prevent freezing. For horizon-
tal runs, wrap the vent pipe with self-regulating 3 or
5 watt heat tape. The heat tape must be U.L. listed
and installed per the manufacturer's instructions.
Do not connect this venting system with an existing
vent or chimney.
Do not connect common vent with the vent pipe of
any other water heater or appliance.
Note : Do not use cellular foam core pipe.