Functional Description
ES600.2 - User Guide
Ethernet switch
The integrated Ethernet switch is used for connecting the ES600.2 module and
additional measuring or interface modules to a user PC. The data acquisition of
the connected modules is done synchronized (ETAS device synchronization,
see chapter 5.4 on page 21). The Ethernet switch can be cascaded with addi
tional network modules so that you can also build larger blocks of measuring
and interface modules.
The switch is equipped with a host connection (Fast Ethernet), a host connec
tion (Gigabit Ethernet) and six Ethernet connections (10/100BaseT Ethernet).
All connections of the switch, except for the Ethernet connections "ETH1" to
"ETH6", are electrically isolated from each other and from the power supply.
"FE-HOST" host connection
The upstream "FE-HOST" Ethernet interface connects the ES600.2 module with
the user PC or the downstream Ethernet interface of another module. This
interface enables the ETAS software tools to access the connected modules.
"Wake-Up" function
The "FE-HOST" Ethernet interface supports the "Wake-Up" function (see chap
Compatible modules
A list of the compatible modules is located in chapter 7.10.3 on page 35.
"GE-HOST" host connection
The upstream "GE-HOST" Ethernet interface connects the ES600.2 module with
the user PC or the downstream Ethernet interface of another module. This
interface enables the ETAS software tools to access the connected modules.
"Wake-Up" function
The "GE-HOST" Ethernet interface supports the "Wake-Up" function (see chap
Compatible modules
A list of the compatible modules is located in chapter 7.10.2 on page 35.
Ethernet connections "ETH1" to "ETH6"
The ES600.2 module provides six downstream Ethernet interfaces for addi
tional modules. The Ethernet interfaces "ETH1" to "ETH6" based on the 10/
100BaseT standard can be operated either with 10 or 100 Mbit/s, half or full
duplex. The switchover is done automatically to the highest possible connec
tion speed.
ECUs that are equipped with an XETK or feature a separate Ethernet interface,
can be connected directly to the module and communicate with the application
software via XCP-on-Ethernet.