BM04101 Molift Quick Raiser English - Rev F/ 09/2012
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General Safety precautions
Before putting a Molift Quick Raiser into operation,
the operator must ensure that the lifter and acces-
sories are in good working order, especially with
regards to safety. A Molift Quick Raiser shall only
be used when all safety devices and equipment is
in place and fully operational. The lifter must be
taken out of service immediately, or not returned
to service, if faults and/or irregularities that may
have influence on the safety are discovered.
The lifter is designed for use in room temper-
ature, +10 to +40 °C. The lifter must rest in
a temperate room until the equipment has
achieved proper working temperature.
The lifter has an expected lifetime of 10 years
or 30 000 lifts with max load (SWL), when all
recommended service is performed.
Injury to personnel or equipment may occur if
Molift Quick Raiser is used in an incorrect manner
and if:
• covers are removed by unauthorised personnel
• used incorrectly
• insufficient maintenance
• load exceeds maximum limit. The SWL stated
on the lifter is the maximum load
• unauthorised repair of electrical devices
Lift and transferring
Molift Quick Raiser 1 and 2 have SWL (Safe
Working Load) on 160 kg, meaning that they
are tested and approved for lifting patients
up to 160 kg. Molift Quick Raiser 2+ has a
SWL on 200 kg. Attempts of lifting patients
with a higher weight, may lead to danger of
personal injury .
The patient lifter may tip over if used incor-
rectly! Ignorance of warnings and instruc-
tions may lead to personal injury. Read in-
structions carefully before attempting to lift
Pay close attention to your actions. Ensure
that both ropes of the sling are securely fas-
tened to avoid the user slipping or falling.
Use the drive handles when manoeuvring the
lifter, do not push or pull the patient or lifting
Keep fingers, arms or similar away from trol-
ley during use! Danger of clamping between
knee support and trolley.
Torn, cut, frayed or broken slings can fail, re-
sulting in serious injury to the user. Use slings
in good condition only. Destroy and discard
old, unusable slings
Molift slings shall ONLY be used to lift per-
sons. NEVER use the sling to lift and/or move
objects of any kind.
Molift Quick Raiser should not be in constant
use for more than 2 minutes at a time (at
maximum load) with an 18-minute interval.
If the expected movement does not start
when the corresponding button is pressed,
please consult the fault finding table in the
maintenance chapter to locate the fault.
Several factors have to be considered during trans-
ferring. Stand to the side of the user when lifting.
Ensure that arms and legs are clear of the lift, chair,
bed etc. Try to maintain eye contact with the user
- this will help the user feel safe and comfortable.
Medical electrical equipment requires spe-
cial precautions regarding electromagnet-
ic compatibility (EMC) and must be installed
and used according to instructions con-
tained in this manual. Portable or mobile ra-
dio communication equipment may affect
the medical electrical equipment . and should
be kept at a distance of 25 cm (10 in.) from the
electronics of the lifter