user manual LokSound / LokSoundXL V3, 1st edition, 07/2004
Parameter „I“, stored in CV 55 provides important
information to the LokSound decoder regarding the
motor type used: certain electric motors respond
differently to adjustments of the rpm’s. The longer a
motor takes to respond the lower the value in CV 55.
However, it is not easy to recognize the degree of
inertia. In general: the more poles a motor has and
the bigger it is, the more fly wheels it has, the slower
it is and the lower the value should be set in CV 55.
For optimal programming proceed as follows:
Read out the value in CV 53 as described above. Leave
the value of CV 55 (parameter I .I.) for the time being
and test the engine. Now change the value of CV 54
in steps of 5 downwards or upwards and monitor the
running properties of the engine. If there is no
improvement leave the value of CV 54 and change
the value of CV 55 (intensity of control) in steps of 5
until an optimum is reached.
Please note, that incorrectly set parameters may
impede the effect of Back EMF control to the
point that the motor may stop altogether. Refer
to our website http://www.loksound.de for
suggested values for commonly used motor /
drive combinations such as:
Parameters for Fleischmann® motors
Engines with the traditional Fleischmann® motor
should be programmed as follows:
CV 54 = ca. 14 – 18
CV 55 = 20
Parameters for Märklin® high performance
The 5-pole high performance motor from Märklin®
(series 37xxx) is well suited for the LokSound decoder
when programmed as follows:
CV 54 = ca. 20 – 25
CV 55 = 38
load control / speed curve
5.2.2 Speed Curve
LokSound decoders recognize 256 internal speed steps.
They may be adapted to the characteristics of each
engine and assigned to the available speed steps (14,
28 or 128). NMRA allows two choices:
Speed curve via CV 2, 5 and 6 (figure 10).
Set the starting voltage in CV 2 and the maximum
speed with CV 5. CV 6 represents the medium speed.
You may define the shape of the curve (straight or
with two different gradients). This mode is activated
via CV 29 (see chapter 7.1).
You may also define an individual speed curve:
Store the speed curve values in CVs 67 to 94 (as per
figure 8). Those 28 values will determine the 256 speed
steps. This method permits to optimize the running
performance. This mode is also activated via CV 29.
We recommend the use of the ESU LokProgrammer
and its software for easy calculation and
Figure 12
: Speed curve with CV 67 - 90
0 14 28
Figure 11
: Speed curve with CV2, 6, 5
0 14