from vocals to piano, strings, horns, and cymbals sound natural,
accurate, fast and dynamic.
The 25 mm (1 inch) chemical vapor-deposited diamond
membrane tweeter from Accuton can reproduce sounds at the
highest frequencies, up to 60 kHz, with no distortions in the human
hearing range. Diamond is the hardest known material, with the
highest speed of sound in any known material. This results in a perfect
step response, while the first breakup modes occur way out of the
human hearing range. The imaging precision, instrument spatiality,
contours in 3D space and microdetail clarity produced by this tweeter
is unmatched.
The sonic character of the Estelon loudspeakers that feature
diamond tweeters is not what you would expect: an overly “brilliant” or
“hard-as-diamond” sound, which in most cases is caused by a high
amount of harmonic distortion. In our loudspeakers, through the
properly designed crossover, the diamond tweeters simply disappear,
and only the music remains. It is like being present at a live concert
where one can hear the instruments but not the speakers reproducing
the sound. The Estelon Diamond loudspeakers offer a new way of
relaxed listening, and you get to sense all the details that you have
never heard before on your old records and digital music. You will be
immersed in acoustical spaces with a “live” 3D presence that was never
there before.
Each drive unit is “broken-in” by running an audio signal
through them for several hours before selecting matching drivers for
each pair of speakers. When the drivers are in matching pairs, another
“break-in” with an audio signal is conducted. Finally, drivers are fitted
into the finished cabinet for individual tuning.