The scaling mode “Value” is a regular black & white picture representation. It spreads (like a zoom) only the selected segment of measure -
ment values in the way that the set low value appears as a black pixel and the high as a white pixel e.g. for 8 bit scaling: left value = 0 to
black, right value = 255 to white. He can choose his own fixed span and levels of representation.This mode might be helpful in combination
with the integration time selection to find special patterns in the picture.
The scaling uses the formula
Normalized amplitude:
Readout amplitude:
Scaling value:
scale_span (based on the factors “Scaling”
5.1.10. Distance range settings (Widget “Settings”)
The settings affect only the user interface and do not have any influence on the epc610 chip. They are intended to set a fixed offset value
and “zoom-in” on an operational point. The “zoom” effect will become visible in the “3D Graph”.
Figure 23: Integration time and temperature dialog
5.1.11. Register map (Widget “Setting”)
This is a service function for epc's customer support. It is not transparent to the user.
Save registers:
On request of epc's customer support, the user can read the set of the epc610 registers and store it on the computer in a coded file format.
For support, he can send later on this file together with the application settings per e-mail to epc. “Application settings” file (see below) and
chip registers can give epc's customer support a good insight to help the user debugging the system.
Load registers:
Register files from epc's customer support can be uploaded to the chip on it's request.
Figure 24: Register map
5.1.12. Display refresh rate (Widget “Setting”)
Just like the distance rate settings in the chapter before, the display refresh rate setting only affects the user interface on the host comput -
er. However, for informational purposes, the approximative data refresh rate is displayed as well. This provides information on the actual
“frame rate” delivered by the chip. Naturally, this value will strongly depend on the integration time.
Figure 25: Integration time and temperature dialog
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Manual epc610_Camera - V1.5