MAGPRO16 Addressable Fire Alarm Panel – Installation and Programming Manual
6.3. Review of Disablements
The messages for disablements are displayed with normal priority. If no alarm or fault events are present, and there
are active disablements in the system, the DISABLEMENTS mode is blinking together with the number of the first
disablement. The LED
‘Disable’ is lighting on.
The User can review also some additional information for each of the disablements. For this, select the number of the
disablement message using up/ down arrow buttons (the number of the selected event is blinking) and press ENTER
In case, there are active alarms and/ or faults in the system, but you want to review the disablements, press button (3)
– DISABLEMENTS mode. The disablements in the system are displayed with serial numbers. The reviewing is the
same as described in item 6.1. The total number of the introduced disablements is displayed at the bottom right corner
of the screen. Use button (1) to go back to ALARMS mode and reviewing the alarm messages.
To review the DISABLEMENTS at active alarms and/ or faults in the system:
To exit the review fault events mode, press CANCEL button.
6.4. Review of Running Tests
The messages for running tests are displayed with normal priority. If no alarm or fault events or disablements are
present, and there are active tests in the system, the TESTS mode is blinking together with the number of the first
running test. The LED
‘Test’ is lighting on.
The numbers of the zones in test mode with activated detectors are blinking.
The User can review the number of the zone in test mode. For this, select the number of the zone using up/ down
arrow buttons (the number of the selected event is blinking) and press ENTER button.
If, there are active alarms and/ or faults in the system and you want to review the running tests, press button (4)
– TESTS mode is blinking. The tests running in the system are displayed with serial numbers. The reviewing
is the same as described in item 6.1. The total number of the running tests is displayed at the bottom right corner of the
screen. Use button (1) to go back to ALARMS mode and reviewing the alarm messages.