CRIRES User Manual
Doc. Number: ESO-254264
Doc. Version: P109.4
Issued on:
34 of 99
Document Classification: ESO Internal Use [Confidential for Non-ESO Staff]
4.4 Slit viewer camera
4.4.1 Slit viewer camera field of view
Target centring and NGS acquisition are performed in the NIR via the Slit Viewer camera
(SV). Because CRIRES observations require the use of a slit viewer guide star (SVGS) to
ensure that the target is properly kept centred along the slit during the science exposures,
the SVGS is also acquired through the SV camera.
Figure 27: Geometry of the SV detector for PA of 0 degrees in the SKY derotator mode.
North is up and East towards the left. The un-vignetted FoV usable for target acquisition
and guiding is ~22.8” x 30.8”. The centre of the usable FoV and of the slit is marked as
white cross. When using the 0.2” slit, the footprint of the 0.4” slit vignettes an area of
0.4”x10” located ~3.6” to the East with respect to the FoV centre (see vertical dark stripe).
When the 0.4” slit is used, there is no vignetting from the 0.2” slit as its footprint falls at the
western border of the FoV.
With a
pixel scale of 37.3±0.2 milli-arcsec
(mas), the SV covers a maximum unvignetted
sky projected field of view (FoV) of 22.8” x 33.8”, with 33.8’’ along the slit and 22.8’’
perpendicular to the slit, thus making the available FoV slightly smaller than that of the old
CRIRES instrument.