ESI VLS-2000 Video Line Scaler Operating ManualVersion 1.2
ESI VLS-2000 Video Line Scaler Operating Manual Page 13
Output Screen
Input Source
16:9 Screen
4:3 Screen
Film or Anamorphic Source
No scaling performed. Image is
displayed without change.
16:9 image is Vertically scaled down
to fit in 4:3 format, centered vertically
on the screen, with black areas added
top and bottom.
4:3 Full
TV, Computer or Video Source
4:3 image is Horizontally scaled down
to fit in 4:3 format, centered on the
screen, with black areas added right
and left.
No scaling performed. Image is
displayed without change.
4:3 Letterbox
Film Source Formatted for TV
16:9 portion of image is stretched
vertically to fill the entire screen.
No scaling performed. Image is
displayed without change
Figure 3-3 – Input Source to Output Screen Translation