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ESERA GmbH 2021
11134-V2 V1.0 R1.0 Manual
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Software / Control
The Living room Sensor is read out via 1-Wire commands for DS2438 devices and supported by many
systems, such as ESERA 1-Wire Controller, ESERA 1-Wire Gateway, Loxone PLC, WAGO PLC (via OWOS),
OWFS, FHEM (Linux), IP-Symcon or microcontroller applications.
Control via 1-Wire Controller / ECO 1-Wire Controller
The control and data output of the MS 100 Multisensor via the 1-Wire Controller / 1-Wire Gateway is very
simplified. The current sensor data is output continuously. No query of the data is necessary and available.
If you have assigned the article number (11134) to the OWD number of this sensor via the ESERA Config
Tool 3, you will receive data records adapted to the sensor from now on. Thus no further formulas are
Data output 1-Wire Controller / ECO 1-Wire Controller
The following data formats are output for the ESERA modules. If you divide the value by 100, you get the data
with two decimal places.
Data output
=> Controller No._module No._data set|temperature (°C) example: 20,08 °C
=> Controller No._module No._data set |Power Good for the operating voltage
100 = operating voltage ok, 0 = operating voltage too low
=> Controller No._module No._data set|air humdity (rF) example 85,0%
=> Controller No._module No._data set|dew point (°C) example: 12,00 °C
=> Controller Nr._ module No._data set|brightness (Lux) example: 800,00 Lux
For further information on the options and commands, please refer to the current Programming Manual of the
1-Wire Controller / 1-Wire Gateway, which can be found within Config Tool 3.
Integration in IP-Symcon
For the integration of the 1-Wire Controllers a suitable ESERA module for all sensors and controllers is
available in the IP-Symcon module store. This can be found via the backend of the 1-Wire software (from
Alternatively, the ESERA IP-Symcon software module for easy integration of the sensor into IP-Symcon and
1-Wire controllers is available via our website. No scripts are necessary anymore.
Details can be found on the ESERA website under "Compatible controllers / control units/IP-Symcon
For the conventional connection via 1-Wire Bus Coupler you can find a script in the article download area.
Integration in Loxone
Via the shop we provide a sample project for reading in temperature, humidity values, dew point, brightness
and operating voltage via 1-Wire Controller / 1-Wire Gateway.
Details see here:
Integration in FHEM
Integration into the open source automation software FHEM is now very easy via 1-Wire controller. Since
2020, ESERA 1-Wire controllers, sensors and actuators are supported by FHEM by default. Details can be
found on the FHEM website under the keyword "ESERA
“ or the folloing link:
This means that evaluation scripts are no longer necessary.
Details can be found on the ESERA website under "Compatible controllers / control units/FHEM integration"