if the sensor or actuator supports Auto-E-Connect. For details, please refer to the operating instructions of the sensor or actuator.
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ESERA GmbH 2021
11603-48 V1.0 R1.1 Manual
Page 8 of 18
Data interface ESERA ASCII Text protocol
The Ethernet interface is configured with the help of the Windows ESERA programme Config Tool 3, which
can be found in the download area of the ESERA online shop.
Configuration und Communication
The ECO 208 PRO has extensive configuration and formatting options which are read out and operated with
the ESERA Config Tool 3.
Since the communication between ECO 208 PRO and Config Tool 3 takes place via the open ESERA ASCII
text protocol, you can also communicate at any time with any terminal program (e.g.
) via UDP / TCP/IP. to exchange data with the ECO 208 PRO and to carry out the configuration.
Details on the communication commands can be found in the document "Programming Manual", which you
can find in the download area of the ECO 208 PRO and within the Config Tool 3 software.
ESERA ASCII Textprotokoll
The ECO 208 PRO provides two protocols. For configuration and analysis, the ESERA text protocol in ASCII
format can be used very easily. Here, special emphasis was placed on good readability and traceability. The
ESERA text protocol works with "GET" and "SET" commands, which probably every programmer has used in
his own projects.
The ESERA text protocol is disclosed and documented. The latest version of the ESERA protocol description
can be found in the Programming Manual in the download area of the article and in the ESERA Config Tool 3.
By default, port 5000 is preset for the ASCII protocol.
For ASCII protocol only a TCP/IP socket data connection with the ECO 208 PRO is possible.
The IP address is preset to DHCP.