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ESERA GmbH, ESERA-Automation 2020
11218 V2.0 R1.0 Manual
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EN 50090-2-2,
EN 61000-4-2, ESD
EN 61000-4-3, HF
EN 61000-4-4, Burst
EN 61000-4-5, Surge
EN 61000-6-1, Interference immunity
EN 61000-6-3, interference radiation
LED display and button
The module has two LED displays.
LED Function
LED Green
Output 1
- LEDs flash at system start-up
- LED is lit when an output relay is active
- Display of the energy mode
LED Green
Output 2
- LEDs flash at system start-up
- LED is lit when an output relay is active
Button function
1 internal
Output 1 On/Off
Button 1 has two different functions
Changeover of relay 1
Energy-saving mode on/off
For details refer to chapter „Energy-saving mode“
2 internal
Output 2 On/Off
Changeover of relay 2
1 external
Output 1 On/Off
Changeover of relay 1
2 external
Output 2 On/Off
Changeover of relay 2
Button and 1-Wire Interfaces
In addition to the buttons on the top side of the module, the module has an external button-interface to connect
two external buttons (make contact). This means, light switches can be connected to the external button interface
to control on/off light commands. For connection regular light switches of all manufacturers can be used.
Within the module, a µ-controller takes over the query of the buttons, the 1-Wire interface and the control of the
relays. Flank control is used to query buttons and 1-Wire component.
The switching status of the relays can be set via the external and internal buttons. Relays can also be set by the
1-Wire Interface.
The state of the relay that has been triggered by the button cannot be read by the 1-Wire interface.
Button 1 on the module has a double function.
For details refer to chapter „Energy-saving mode“.
External and internal control inputs:
Button interface, external button 1
Button interface, external button 2
Module top side, button 1 internal / Mode: Energy saver mode/Normal mode
Module top side, button 2 internal
1-Wire Component, DS2413 channel 0
1-Wire Component, DS2413 channel 1
No voltage source may be connected to the external push-button interface. The connecting cables between
module and push button must be laid isolated from other cables. 5V DC voltage is applied to the connections of
the pushbutton interface when not in use.
Software / Control
The module is controlled by 1-wire commands for the DS2413 module.