Appendix InRailBus (Option)
8.3.3 Connection of CAN
Figure. 17:
Connecting the CAN signals to the CAN-CBX station
Generally the CAN signals can be fed via the CAN connector of the first CAN-CBX module of the
CBX station. The signals are then connected through the CAN-CBX station via the InRailBus. To
lead through the CAN signals the CAN bus connector of the last CAN-CBX module of the CAN-
CBX station has to be used. The CAN connectors of the CAN-CBX modules which are not at the
ends of the CAN-CBX station must not be connected to the CAN bus, because this would cause
incorrect branching.
A bus termination must be connected to the CAN connector of the CAN-CBX module at the end of
the CBX-InRailBus (see Fig. 17), if the CAN bus ends there.
8.4 Removal of the CAN-CBX Module from InRailBus
If the CAN-CBX module is connected to the InRailBus please proceed as follows:
Release the module from the mounting rail in moving the foot catch (see Fig. 14) downwards (e.g.
with a screwdriver). Now the module is detached from the bottom edge of the mounting rail and
can be removed.
It is possible to remove individual devices from the whole without interrupting the
InRailBus connection, because the contact chain will not be interrupted.
Hardware Manual • Doc. No.: C.2920.21 / Rev. 1.4
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