Radios / RDTs
Corrective Actions
RDT does not
receive data calls
1. Verify that RDT is on and executing the correct application software.
2. Cycle power on the radio and RDT.
3. Verify that both the Data Advantage and the RDT are or aren’t using the EDACS
Network Layer.
4. Verify that the RF control stations and RDIs are using the same setting for BREN
Radio fails to go to
a working channel
to receive a Group
Data Call
1. Verify that the data group has been programmed into the radio (using the RDI
2. Verify that the group is either forced at the site or that at least one radio has logged in
with the same voice group.
3. Check mic. Some radios display 'nd' or 'no data' when mic is connected or when it is
off the hook, preventing data calls.
4. Verify that the radio supports Group Data Calls.