Relamping Instructions
Side Panel Facial Replacement
1. Detach side panel acrylic from profile retaining
frame by removing acrylic attaching screws with
the provided Ergoline Service Key.
(Refer to Illustration L7)
2. The acrylic side panel will hinge down.
3. Remove attaching screw from the starter cover
with the Ergoline Service Key and hinge down.
4. Remove filter retainer concealment panel by
removing the two philips screws.
(Refer to Illustration L8)
5. Using a large screwdriver or coin turn filter
retaining twist locks 1/4 turn and remove filter
lens. (Refer to Illustration L8)
6. Remove facial lamp using a pair of offset
needle nose pliers. Carefully place the pliers on
the ceramic lamp base and apply outward
pressure. (Refer to Illustration L9)
7. Clean the VIT reflector with a damp cloth.
8. Prior to handling the new facial lamp it is
important to not touch the glass envelope of the
lamp with your hands. The oil from you fingers
will cause the lamp to malfunction and rupture.
9. To install the facial lamp, using the offset
pliers, grip the lamp by the ceramic base and
insert in the lamp socket. You should note that
the lamp socket has two different diameters of
pin contacts and may only be installed in one
10. Prior to installing the VIT filter panel inspect
the operation of the safety switch. Depress the
safety switch and release. The switch should
spring back to its full extension after it is re-
leased. (Refer to Illustration L9)
11. Clean VIT filter panel with a damp cloth.
Insert filter panel fully into channel at the top of
cassette and align in place. Attach filter with the
twist locks. The letters VIT 2.3 must be legible
from the outside of the cassette.
(Refer to Illustration L8)
12. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 in reverse order to
reassemble unit.
Illustration L7
Illustration L8
Illustration L9