Parameter 25 is the keylock configuration option. The default is 3 for 30 seconds. The
keylock configuration option allows the salon owner to maintain a higher sense of
security by locking out the front rail keys in several specified intervals while the timer is
connected to a network. This feature is only available with software level 16 or higher.
The keylock intervals are:
0 - Lock keys and release only when power cycled.
1 - Lock keys and release only when parameter is changed to an option other than 01.
2 - Lock keys and release only after the network cable has been removed for 2 minutes.
3 - Lock keys and release only after the network cable has been removed for 30 seconds.
WARNING: If you set parameter 25 to 01 (Lock until parameter changed) you will be
unable to change this parameter or unlock the front rail keys without the use of a CCS-1
or other control device. The Intellitan Protocol Interface (IPI) does not edit this or any
other parameter.
To Change Parameter 25, Keylock Configuration
Press Reset once then release it, the display will begin to flash. Now press
until the
desired option 0,1,2,3 is displayed, press Reset once and release it. Next cycle the
power to the timer and tanning unit off and back on. The Keylock Configuration is now
Now press Start/Stop once and release it to reach Parameter 26 (P26), TPI Interface
Parameter 26 is the Third Party Interface (TPI) Mode toggle. The default is 0 for
disabled. The Intellitan Plus timer has a TPI jack built in to the timer itself. This jack
replaces the need for a second or additional interface when using other timer systems.
The TPI jack is located next to the two network jacks on the top of the tanning unit(under
the hinge cover). It is the larger of the three jacks and comes with a unused modular plug
in the jack. When using the Intellitan Plus timer in TPI mode the Intellitan Plus looks for
control voltage (5-30v) on the outside two wires of the modular cable plugged into the TPI
port. When this voltage is seen, the maximum tanning time is sent to the timer and the
tanning unit is started. Any session delay should be programmed on the third party timer
and the Intellitan session delay should be set to 0. The front rail keys are locked in TPI
mode. This feature is only available with software level 16 or higher.
To Change Parameter 26, TPI Mode
Press Reset once then release it, the display will begin to flash. Now press
until 0001
is displayed, press Reset once and release it. Next cycle the power to the timer and
tanning unit off and back on. The TPI Mode is now enabled. To disable this function
range parameter 26 back to 0000.
Now press Start/Stop once and release it to reach Parameter 27 (P27), Timer Protocol