5.2 ComPort
The ComPort Redirector is used to redirect a virtual COM port to the Ethernet port. This
software is needed since RSLinx does not offer an Ethernet DF1 driver. Therefore an
RS-232 serial driver is used and the ComPort Redirector redirects the data to the Ethernet
port. The ComPort Redirector software is not needed if you have a Modbus TCP model.
The most recent version of the ComPort Redirector is
5.2.1 Configuration
To begin configuring the ComPort Redirector, open the software and the following
screen will appear.
To configure the ComPort Redirector, use the following steps.
Click the
Com Setup
button to add a virtual COM port to be redirected. The
following screen will appear.
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Select the COM port that you want to use a virtual COM port and click OK. You will
then be returned to the first screen. Whenever a COM port is added or removed, you
will need to reboot your PC before the COM port can be used. The PC can be
rebooted after the ComPort Redirector has been configured.