#815-1200 W73rd Ave, Vancouver, BC, V6P6G5, Canada Phone: 888-387-3787 or 604-266-8547 www.equustek.com
Press 2 to configure the
DF1 Settings
. Input the values so that they match what is
shown below. The values shown in the parentheses are the current settings. To keep
the current settings, press Enter.
Interface Type (1=RS232 2=RS422/RS485+4-wire 3=RS485+2-wire) (00001) ?
Enter serial parameters (19200,8,N,1) 115200,8,n,1
Use DF1 16-bit CRC CheckSum? (Y) N
You have 4 total incoming sockets:
Number to use for Lantronix Redirector (00002) ?
Number to use for Raw DF1 in TCP 2
TCP port to use for Raw DF1 (10001) ?
When asked about the incoming sockets, the number that is entered for
Number to use
for Lantronix Redirector
is the number of devices that can connect to the DL4500 at a
time. The default for this setting is 2.
Note that the DL4500 only supports BCC error checking at this time.
Press S to save the new settings and end the telnet session.
Press the reset button on the DL4500 to put it online.
Standard Tunnel
The following menu will appear after starting a telnet session.
Change Setup:
0 Server configuration
1 Channel 1 configuration
2 Channel 2 configuration
5 Expert settings
6 Security
7 Factory defaults
8 Exit without save
9 Save and exit Your choice ?
To set the proper Telnet settings, follow the steps below:
Press 7 and then Enter to restore Factory Defaults.
Press 1 and then Enter to configure the
Channel 1 configuration
. Input the values so
that they match what is shown below. The values shown in the parentheses are the
current settings. To keep the current settings, press Enter. The only value that needs
to be changed is the baud rate.
Baudrate (9600) ? 115200
I/F Mode (4C) ?
Flow (00) ?
Port No (10001) ?
ConnectMode (C0) ?
Remote IP Address : (000) .(000) .(000) .(000)
Remote Port (0) ?
DisConnMode (00) ?
FlushMode (00) ?
DisConnTime (00:00) ?:
SendChar 1 (00) ?
endChar 2 (00) ?